Port number     Service         Why it's phun!

7               echo            Whatever you type in, the host repeats back to you

9               discard         Dev/null -- how fast can you figure out this one?

11              systat          Lots of info on users

13              daytime Time and date at computer's location

15              netstat         Tremendous info on networks

19              chargen Pours out a stream of ASCII characters. Use ^C to stop.

21              ftp             Transfers files

23              telnet          Where you log in.

25              smpt            Forge email from Bill.Gates@Microsoft.org.

37              time            Time

39              rlp             Resource location

43              whois           Info on hosts and networks

53              domain          Nameserver

70              gopher          Out-of-date info hunter

79              finger          Lots of info on users

80              http            Web server

110             pop             Incoming email

119             nntp            Usenet news groups -- forge posts, cancels

443             shttp           Another web server

512             biff            Mail notification

513             rlogin          Remote login
                who             Remote who and uptime

514             shell           Remote command, no password used!
                syslog          Remote system logging

520             route           Routing information protocol