Number :/>15
Subject :/>C64 Fun!!!!
Date :/>10/08/86 00:08:53 ET

I suppose that one of the more interesting things one can do with a computer in
a store like Sears or Toys R Us is to leave messages on it. Usually though,
they only last until the next person comes along and writes his own message, or
one of the staff takes offense at "Sears sucks the Big Skin Weenie!" and erases
it.(Have they never heard of the 1st Amendment?)
Here are some handy tips to make your C64 graffiti a bit more permenent.

The simplest way is like this,
SEARS EATS THE BIG SKIN WEENIE! (hit return, and you'll see this under
the msg,)


(now, just type poke 1,52)

What that poke does is turn off the BASIC and Kernal ROMs. In other words,
"It's dead, Jim!" The only way to clear the screen is to turn the computer off
and on. That's a quick and dirty way, but inelegant. Try this insted.

10 printchr$(147)rem homes cursor and clears screen
20 poke 53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,2 rem black screen and border, red letters
30 for i=1 to 1000000:print"DEATH TO CAPITALISM!":next i rem prints it one
million times

A nice, irritating program. However, it can be stopped with a press of the RUN/
STOP key. Add this line to prevent that.
15 poke 808,225 rem disables RUN/STOP-RESTORE
If you dont want to wait around for 1000000 printouts of your message, try this
line insted,
30 for i=1 to 25:print,"(your message here)":next i
The comma after print does a crude form of centering your message.
If you like you can add a line like 35 poke1,52 just to make things a little
more secure.

Another fun thing to do is to simulate a broken computer. Here are a few fun
pokes for that as well.
Use these two together for maximum enjoyment. poke 650,128:poke56325,0 rem the
first makes all the keys repeat, and the second speeds up the cursor 'till it's
all but non flickering. One keypress will generate 3 to 9 characters at a time.
Poke 816,157 disables Load(lot's of fun to do to a new C64 owner!) Poke 649,0
turns off the keyboard.

Here's my favorite to pull in a store. It's a bit complicated but worth it and
is easy to memorize.
First, stop whatever program is running. Hitting the RUN/STOP-RESTORE keys
usually works. Type sys 64738. This is a reset that will bring up the C64 start
up screen. Now it gets a bit complicated. Press CONTROL 7. This changes the
cursor to the same blue color as the screen. This is needed for maximum shock
effect. Type in this program. 

10 poke 53265,11:poke 53265,27:poke 808,255
20 goto 10

What this does is alternately turn the screen off and on very fast, and disable

After you run it, call it to the attention of one of the clerks. "Uh, I think
it's broken." and watch the fun!

Have Fun and Don't Get Caught!
Yours in programming hints and tips, THE NIGHTSTALKER