 +                _____________________________________________          +
[+]            [+]Hacking Bank Of America's Home Banking System[+]      [+]
 +                ---------------------------------------------          +
[+]                       Written By: Dark Creaper                      [+]
 +                           A Member of PHIRM                           +
[+]                                                                     [+]
 +                   Call: The Free World [916]682-7789                  +
[+]                                                                     [+]
 +                                                                       +


This file explains the basics of hacking the Bank of America Home Banking
System. The information you can get from this system is great, but there are
limitations. Don't expect to be able to find a certain persons information,
when hacking on this system you go for anyones account you can find, there is
NO WAY you can find a certain persons account. The reason being, one the person
must have requested to have the Home Banking service. The second being you have
to have that persons last 9 digits on their versatel card. So as you can see
the chances are against you finding a certian person. The uses of this system
are still many if you are a carder. You can get a persons Visa and Master Card
numbers. Once you have these you may card an Item and then pay it off. I will
go into further details following the intro.

Connecting With the System

To connect with the Bank's computer call your local Tymnet service and type
the following:


For a little information about the login, as far as I have done is checked my
area and in California the two biggest closest cities to where I live is
San Francisco & Los Angeles. Which is the ending SF & LA. Listed below are a
FEW of the other abreviations for the other states.

Alaska-AN-Anchorage                  :   Maryland-BM-Baltamore
Alabama-MT-Montgomery                :   Maine-PT-Portland
Arkansas-LR-Little Rock              :   Michigan-AA-Ann Arbor
Arizona-PH-Phoenix                   :            BC-Battle Creek
British Columbia-PG-Prince George    :   Minnesota-MN-Minneapolis
Califonia-LA-Los Angeles             :   Missouri-CB-Columbia
          SF-San Francisco           :   Mississippi-JK-Jackson
          LB-Long Beach              :   Montana-BL-Billings
Colorado-DN-Denver                   :   North Carolina-HP-High Point
Connecticut-BP-Bridgeport            :   North Dakota-GF-Grand Forks
District of Columbia-WA-Washington   :   Nebraska-GI-Grand Island
Delaware-NW-NewarkWilming            :   New Hampshire-CN-Concord
Florida-BR-Boca Raton                :   New Jersey-AC-Atlantic City
Hawaii-HN-Honolulu                   :   New Mexico-AB-Albuquerque
Iowa-DM-Des Moines                   :   Nevada-LV-Las Vegas
Idaho-BO-Boise                       :   New York-DP-Deer Park
Illinois-CH-Chicago                  :   Oklahoma-OC-Oklahoma City
Indiana-FW-Ft. Wayne                 :   Pennsylvania-PI-Pitsburgh
Kansas-KC-Kansas City                :   Texas-DL-Dallas
Kentucky-BG-Bowling Green            :   Virginia-FF-Fairfax
Massachusetts-BT-Boston              :   Washington-SE-Seatle

Connection Established

After you have connected with the system you will get the following prompts:


The Identification number is a ")" followed by the last nine digits of someones
versatel card. The first two digits in a zone are ALWAYS the same. These first
two digits are like the area codes for a Versatel Card. The easiest way to find
out what the two numbers for your area are is look at your parents or your card.
After you have gotten the first two digits least that lower the nine digit code
down to seven. The ID# is what I have found the hardest to get a hold of. So
once you have that all your troubles are over!


This is alot easier to get than the ID# like on most systems that have users
that are not aware of the dangers of having a code that is obvious, this system
also has unskilled people using it. The passwords are VERY easy to guess. The
only thing that makes it a little harder for hacking is they do not echo the
characters back to you, but there is one quick way around that, HALF DUPLEX.

Here are two ID#'s and Passcodes that I have hacked, please use them sparingly
and dont do any major damage.

    ID#   :     PASSCODE
)694532344: VERTELL
)692313425: MAXCREDIT

Benifits of B of A Over TRW

On this system not only can you cedit their credit information after you have
it and card an Item you can scramble their funds around and they will NEVER
know what hit them. The best thing to do is wait for three days after you have
carded the item, then call the system and pay the item off and then trnasfer
their funds from their checking to their Credit Card and vise versa and then
go into the savings and throw that money were ever. It works great because
after they get everything straight agian they will notice some money gone,
blame it on the bank and never think of out side "help".

Main Menu Commands

Here is what you can expect to find once you login to the system:

           COMMAND LIST
         1-MAIN MENU
         2-PAY BILLS
         8-LOG OFF

The Following commands can be entered at any "?" prompt and do the following:

         ?-COMMAND LIST
         P-NEXT PAGE


This file is for information purposes only BLAH BLAH BLAH! I am sure you have
heard all of that shit and you know as well as I do it is just that, SHIT. So
use this file in any way you feel it will help you, but if you get careless and
get caught don't come running to me.

Words of Wisdom

Remember we as Phreakers/Hackers should aid one another not try to seperate
into many groups and rag on each other. Before you state your feelings about
a group try to learn more about them!

                            [+]-Dark Creaper/PHIRM-[+]